Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Final Lecture - Lecture 12

In this Lecture Adam Muir introduced the idea of Creative Commons to the class. This is a free alternative to the well known Copywrite. If something is protected by Creative Commons it means that the item can be used by others, just not for profit. The original user can define their terms for the object within the stricture of the Creative Commons rules.


Lecture 11

Peer to Peer File Sharing (P2P)
The question of this lecture was asking if it is alright to download music files for free? We also watched a movie called "Steal this Film". This film was about free software, and basically using the internet for free 'stuff'. The lecture notes comment that there will be questions in the exam about this film.

Lecture 10

In the 10th lecture of the semester we watched a movie called "Blade Runner". This movie was about the recreation of Humans. The company that made these "replicas", motto was "More Human Than Human". ?????

Lecture 9

William Gibson quoted "power depends on information". the matrix was also a topic in this lecture. Frankenstein, Adam and Eve and other bible stories are all concerned about man receiving information and or power and the gods punishing them because of it.
Utopia's and Dystopia's are also apart of cyberpunk. Cyberpunk seemed to be a big mix of most other topics raised in the previous lectures.

Lecture 8

Are Games a Waste of Time
The military uses games for training purposes.
Narratology is the study of video games. It is the study of them as stories and literacy point of view. These people believe that games can be studied like texts. Ludology is also the study of video games this time this major concern is the 'game play' elements not the story. People involved in this study believe that the story is only there for decoration. Jesper Juul raised the question of 'are video games similar to other games?'.

Lecture 7

Cinema and Technology
In this lecture we watched the movie "eXistenZ". This film addressed the issue of excessive play of video games and the 'Warping' of reality as a result of this.

Lecture 6

History of the Computer and the Internet
Charles Babbage was the inventor of the first computer. Alan Turning was a major developer of the computer. He was the the man to first use the computer to break the Germans Enigma Codes. IBM was the group to first commercially produce computers in the 1950's. in the 70's XEROS developed the mouse and the Graphical User Interface. 1975 the first Personal Computer (PC) was released. Then Steve Jobs and Steve Woz started Apple, Bill Gates teamed up with IBM and Linus began which was free software that anyone could take part in and develop.
The Internet can be described as a network of networks. developed by the US Federal Networking council and RAND in 1995. This was with thoughts of the nuclear war in mind the idea being that because there was no center they would never loose all their information. The Internet works using 'packet switching' - breaking the information down to send elsewhere where it reforms. In the 1990's people began communicating through computers using the Internet. Karl Popper researched the idea of cyberspace.

Lecture 5

In the week 5 lecture the main topic were concerned with the reliability of wikipedia and "Reality". It was Plato who expressed the notion of "Reality is expressed in hidden focus". Aristottle, Plato's appentice went on to continues his research in this field. Margret Weathemin claimed Humans are Bipolar - Body and Mind.
The weakness of Wikipedia was revealed through an article we were shown about the lecturer Steven Stockwell. The article in question was a complete lie, made up by on of Stockwell's previous students. This proved that it is possible to write untrue facts on Wikipedia making it an unreliable website for academic purposes.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Notes From Lecture 4

Old Communication Technologies

Walter Benjamin - German, Peace activist, around the time of WW2, he believed mass media "dumbed down" the spirit of high art - this is what he means when he talks about aura.
Rock Art
Trading Culture of Ugarsit developmed the first Alphabet - 1500BC.
Old Tehnologies rangeing through print, telegraph, telephone, phonograph, radio, cenima, television, video. More information such as who was the inventor and when was it invented can be found on the Learning@Griffith site or send me a request.
semiotics and Pragmatics were also a topic in this lecture - briefly they are about the relation of signs.

My notes from Lecture 3

In lecture 3 we watched the movie Alphaville.
This film addresses issues of Utopian and Distopian worlds, the Utopian view of that of a computer, and the Distopian view that is realised through human understanding.
From the lecture notes on the Learning@Griffith site i found that Queensland has been the location of many Utopian Experiments. Mulga and New Brittania are two examples of these.

On a different note though these notes mentioned that it was Tim Berners-Lee who created the "WWW" for the Web, a MUD is a Multi User Domain and this is also related to Turkle from lecture 2 on cyberspace. Then the issue of 'mind downloading' was brought up... Virtual Immortality.

My notes from Lecture 2

This second lecture was on email. Firstly there was mention to the term CMC which means computer mediated communication. Then they touched on Cyber culture studies. Names mentioned in this area were Dibbell, Rheingold and Turkle. These were scholar looking for a more detailed perspective of cyber-culture. Contextualising interactions, discoursing cyberspace, online access and barriers, and digital design were all topics brought up in the lecture however there meanings would make this blog way to long and uninteresting to read. for more detailed information refer to THIS site.

My notes from Lecture 1

This lecture was more of an introduction to the course. Steven Stockwell touched on what the difference is between old and new communication technologies. When does a NCT become an OCT. There was a simple definition of communication as well as a more modern concept. The Terms intersubjectivity and intertextuality were discussed as well.

There was also a definition of technology mentioned as well. Names such as Marshall McLuhan and Stelarc were also introduced. Analogue and digital technologies were also a topic in this lecture. The last subject mentioned was convergence and how that relates to New Communication Technologies.

NB: these notes have been composed with the aid of the lecture notes on the Learning@Griffith site after following the links to THIS site.